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Who Made Me Boss?

by Gigi Taylor Schweikert
July/August 2003
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/who-made-me-boss/5015207/

You know those early childhood teachers who are absolutely amazing? The ones who can manage 20 children inside on a rainy day all by themselves, make dough out of air, construct an entire addition to their center using only toilet paper rolls and duct tape, create a complete curriculum of science, math, social studies, and more based on one pumpkin seed? And of course, those amazing teachers can figure out "coverage" even if six teachers are sick, two can't lift anything over ten pounds, and one teacher is leaving early. Those amazing teachers are the ones I call "the master teachers."

Becoming a Supervisor

You know what happens to most master teachers? They are asked to be supervisors so they can teach other staff members how to do all the great things they do. Unfortunately, most master teachers do what they do naturally, and working well with children doesn't always translate into working well with adults.

Whether you're a director, program coordinator, or lead teacher, supervising other adults is probably the hardest part of your job. You're good! That's how you got where you are, but doing everything by yourself and complaining about it won't make you a good supervisor.

So what does makes ...

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