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Who Can You Trust?

by Thomas Lukaszewski, CPA
July/August 1997
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/who-can-you-trust/5011620/

Why Worry? - The Extent of Fraud

Like all of us, you want to believe your employees, co-workers, and partners have the best interests of the business at heart. But you have a "gut" feeling that something just isn't right:

n Two or three clients have complained recently that they had already paid their bill when they received another statement for late payment from you.

n It seems odd that you have been paying so much more for reimbursing staff for their supplies or out of pocket expenses during the last four to six months.

n Your payroll checking account never runs this low over several months. Not to worry, because your payroll clerk is so dedicated she doesn't even take a vacation, especially near payday!

n Perhaps you need to change banks - they have been getting on your nerves lately, especially since they have been losing some of your canceled checks during the past few months!

The above situations are not unusual in large or small businesses. They don't necessarily mean that fraud exists; but they should be warning signs to pay closer attention to what is going on in your business, because they do signal possibilities that foul play is occurring. A large company ...

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