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When You are the New Director - Finding your Way with Staff

by Linda Riepe
March/April 1996
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/when-you-are-the-new-director-finding-your-way-with-staff/5010811/

"Congratulations, you are the new center director!" This phrase generally causes a wide range of emotional reactions from a large number of people. The new hire certainly will be filled with excitement, anticipation, good ideas, and the desire to make meaningful contributions. Most likely, that excitement will be coupled with nervousness and anxiety about how to get off on the right foot. Other people are also reacting to the pending change. Among existing staff, the hiring committee is hopeful that they made the best choice and the entire group experiences nervousness as they anticipate the transition in leadership.

Replacing the director of a program affords everyone involved an opportunity for growth. An excellent program can be taken to new heights. A program facing difficulties may find that change energizes burned out staff, providing them with the courage to face problems. New leadership certainly brings new ideas and energy into a program, but energy and ideas may not be enough.

Unfortunately, while change can and should be positive and meaningful, many programs suffer and deteriorate during the period of staff transition. If the change is not handled well or the new director is insensitive to ...

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