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What the Future Holds for Young Children

by David Elkind
November/December 2011
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/what-the-future-holds-for-young-children/5020250/

Technological innovation is the engine of human history. New technology always has the effect of changing or altering social boundaries. The printing press, by making in-expensive books available for everyone, minimized the boundaries between the rich, who could afford education, and the poor who could not. The egalitarian ethos of print was the energizing force in the emergence of democracies in Western societies. Today, the Internet is having the same effect in many Arab countries.

Industrialization, in its turn, by introducing the need for small, rather than large, motor skills, brought women into the labor force. And, as brain power progressively replaced muscle power, there was a corresponding collapse of the traditional male/female work boundaries. The demise of these boundaries has become ever more obvious. Today women serve in the armed forces, pilot commercial aircraft, run companies, and hold governing positions in many countries. Increasing numbers of women are also enrolling in law and medical schools.

In a similar way, the railroad, telegraph, radio, telephone, automobile, and the airplane have all helped break down the natural and human boundaries that once limited both travel and communication across geographical impediments such as mountains, oceans, and deserts. The telephone enables us to hear across ...

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