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What Do Pediatricians Advise About Discipline?

by Susan S. Aronson, MD with Ellen C. Perrin, MD
September/October 1998
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/what-do-pediatricians-advise-about-discipline/5012324/

Discipline is a key topic of concern for everyone who cares about children. Parents are their child's first teachers, and discipline begins almost at birth. The way parents treat their babies teaches even very young children. Since parents want to do a good job, they often talk about discipline with relatives, friends, caregivers, and their child's doctors.

Pediatric experts suggest that parents try to catch their children being good and ignore minor misbehavior. A smile, a hug, or words of approval are powerful reinforcements for children to learn and repeat a desired behavior. Many parents and some caregivers confuse discipline with punishment, but punishment plays a small role in an effective discipline strategy.

Discipline means teaching, and it refers to the whole set of rules and expectations that parents use to teach their children how to behave. Punishment teaches children how they should not behave, but it does not help them learn what parents expect.

Children need to learn a set of rules for the family, group, community, and society in which they live. Discipline teaches children these rules. Parents begin their teaching by organizing their children's activities to match their view of the child's and the family's needs. Eating schedules, wake-up ...

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