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Values for Living - A Credo for the New Millennium

by Bonnie Neugebauer
November/December 1999
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/values-for-living-a-credo-for-the-new-millennium/5013018/

She's there on our front cover, full of hope and promise, ready to take on her responsibilities as guardian of our society. In the years of 2000, she will become a parent, a friend, an aunt, a grandmother. She will be a child care director, an advocate for children, a leader in a global community.

As we teeter on the brink of a new millennium, we must look into the face of this child and all the others like her and consider the tools we are giving them for the tasks ahead. One day we will place in her care our grandchildren and, with them, our dreams for the future.

In so many ways children are fragile. They are deeply affected by what we allow into their world - by what they see and hear through the media, on the streets, in child care programs, in our homes. Their relationships with people are their strength. We matter. What we do and say and model is critical to their sense of self, their spectrum of hope.

It is people who were once children who teach prejudice, who sell violence, who live hatred. Something happened, perhaps many things, to mar the beauty of their ...

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