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Using Software to Do More with Less

by Mark Mahoney
March/April 2013
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/using-software-to-do-more-with-less/5021042/

Prior to the onset of our recent economic challenges, consumers were already demanding more for their money and competition practically determined price points for you. After the economic downturn, it became difficult for many to just stay out of the red, much less to actually grow.

How is it possible to get ahead in this game �" considering the demands and limitations that directors face?

The answer is software.

Software enables you to do more at a lower operating cost and use your ­‘people resources’ where they are most valuable.

While that sounds simple, there are a few points that you need to be aware of before investing any of your time or money in software.

Look for software that:

• Automates repetitive and people-intensive processes.

• Keeps all of your information in one database so that all of your features, including your automated processes, have access to it.

• Is web-based so you and your staff can access information, even when you’re not in the office.

• Provides a portal to enable self-service for parents in updating their own information as it changes, in researching program options and registering on their own, and in checking and paying their balances �" without intervention from ...

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