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The Whole Leadership Framework (2017) has energized early childhood leadership through its impact on early childhood programs and critical alignment of competencies for professional development systems. The framework encompasses a broad view of program leadership organized into three domains: leadership essentials, administrative leadership, and pedagogical leadership. Together, the domains create the necessary conditions for program growth and sustainability. The framework was initially developed in response to the seminal report, “Transforming the Workforce for Children Birth Through Age 8: A Unifying Foundation” (Institute of Medicine and National Research Council, 2015), with the goal of unifying early childhood program leadership.
The framework was published in “Building on Whole Leadership: Energizing and Strengthening Your Early Childhood Program” (Masterson, Abel, Talan, & Bella, 2019) providing a conceptual model for early childhood program leadership. Leadership is the key lever for organizational change, increasing staff retention, implementing culturally responsive approaches to equity and social justice, and strengthening the quality of program delivery (Doromal, & Markowitz, 2023; Myran & Masterson, 2020; Grant, Lee, & Hoekja, 2022; Kirby, et al, 2021).
Since its release, the Whole Leadership Framework has been utilized in college coursework, individual and program improvement efforts, research, ...