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Unpacking "Child-Centered": Reimagining Early Childhood Through African and Indigenous Lenses

by Rukia Monique Rogers
January/February 2022
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/unpacking-child-centered-reimagining-early-childhood-through-african-and-indigenous-lenses/5026382/

*Photos can be found in the pdf version of this article.


Before progress can be made on social issues like gender inequality and racism, work needs to be done to ensure the planet is sustainable enough for humans to even exist.     Angela Davis

In re-imaging early childhood education and care, we have to re-imagine the world that we live in. This starts with a recognition of how the human family is beautifully intertwined with the natural world, which provides all the sustenance and life that we need. Do we believe that the resources that this earth has bestowed upon us, such as water and food, must be shared amongst the inhabitants in a manner that is equitable and just? If so, then one vital role of education is to support young children’s innate connection to the natural world and to acquire ancient skills of respect and sustainability to protect and preserve this earth.

For as long as I can remember, the early childhood education community, with good intent, has promoted the importance of placing the child at the center of our work. However, this is problematic if we do not unpack what is suggested by this view. While we can ...

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