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Turning Advocacy Into Action for Children

by Libby Doggett and Dale Epstein
November/December 2006
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/turning-advocacy-into-action-for-children/5017266/

In the March/April 2006 edition of Exchange, Pre-K Now described how the national movement to make voluntary pre-kindergarten available to every child benefits all early learning providers who are willing to meet high quality standards.

With the addition this year of 120,000 children, thanks to 2005 budget increases, the United States will serve slightly over one million children in state-sponsored pre-k programs. States are working to improve program quality and expand the settings in which pre-k is provided. For example, of the one million children served in state pre-k, about 30 percent are in non-school settings, and 29 of the 40 states providing pre-k allow services to be offered in community-based settings.

To further advance pre-k for all during the upcoming January 2007 legislative sessions, more people who work with children every day must get involved.

So what can you do?

Stay informed

You have heard it said many times, “Information is power.” To be an effective advocate for children, you need to become informed and then share your knowledge with community leaders, parents, and policymakers. Your voice as someone who has daily contact with children is needed to inform the local debate around education and care for young children. Organizations like the ...

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