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Turn Your Job Into a Career: Creating and Exploring Career Paths in Early Childhood Education

by Rachel Robertson
July/August 2022
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/turn-your-job-into-a-career-creating-and-exploring-career-paths-in-early-childhood-education/5026608/

Each year, I update my professional bio and always pause at the part where it says, “Rachel Robertson has worked in the field of early childhood for over X years.” I ask myself, is it 20 years, or should I say 25 years now, or am I actually closer to 30 years? This reflection is not because I cannot remember or because it makes me feel old—although it does, a little—but because I feel so fortunate to have had such a long career doing work I love on behalf of children, families, and educators.

Not long ago, I was asked to lead a discussion on career paths in early childhood education. The discussion quickly led to a sharing of personal career paths. Each person’s story was filled with experiences unique to their interests and strengths, including a few setbacks or unexpected events that were eventually turned into opportunity, and all were very purpose-driven. But, the main takeaway was how unique each person’s path was, and how clear it was that no one path, no straight line, no “you must do this” led to a successful career in early education. This reality, unfortunately, is not always well understood by those considering or embarking ...

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