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You have a new child in your classroom. Her name is Celia, and when you meet her, she averts her eyes. She never speaks in class or to other children, puts her head on her desk during lessons and seems to be off in her own world, unreachable. You have another new student, Max, who is always fighting and disrupts lessons by calling out. It seems like he is always moving his body when he shouldn’t be, and he is often sent home by a frustrated administration. Another student, Maria, seems bright and interested in classroom content, but misses multiple days of school in a row without explanation.
These examples probably do not seem extraordinary to you and I am sure you can think of children like these who you have encountered throughout your career. As a committed early childhood educator, you know your job is to try to reach ‘difficult’ children, provide them with necessary support, and advocate for their opportunity to learn. Unfortunately, children like these can sometimes take away the bulk of your limited available time to work with the whole group of children you are responsible for. As much as you want to reach them, you are ...