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Training Teachers for Creative Learning Experiences

by Margie Carter
May/June 1992
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/training-teachers-for-creative-learning-experiences/5008546/

When I ask colleagues if they are familiar with the Reggio Emilia program, those who know of it respond, "Oh, yes, that's the wonderful children's arts school in Italy." Many offer glowing comments, but make it clear they see no possibility for such a program in this country. This view misses the connection that the Reggio program is a model for our catchword "Developmentally Appropriate Practice."

Lella Gandini reminds us that creativity is much broader than artistic expression. It is profoundly central to the disposition, flexibility of thought and skills children need going into the 21st century. In addition, Gandini's definition of creativity - the production of novel thoughts, solutions, or products based on previous experience and knowledge - sheds light on the conditions needed for autonomy which Piaget describes as central to moral development.

So what are the elements of translating this creativity into our classroom practice, and how can we assist teachers in gaining this understanding? As outlined in the first issue of the new Beginnings (Exchange, March/April 1992), the teacher training methodology my colleague, Deb Curtis, and I have developed has four components and can be applied to most teacher education topics.

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