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Time to Let Go

by Carol Stock Kranowitz
May/June 1998
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/time-to-let-go/5012137/

When challenging children come to your center, the process to help them succeed begins.

You and your staff observe behavior, collect anecdotal evidence, and obtain screening results. You plan a strategy, make modifications in the classroom, and establish working partnerships with parents. You make suggestions and, sometimes, referrals.

When the process goes well, everyone benefits. The child's behavior improves. Parents are relieved to have information and support. You are pleased that you could help.

Ah, but does it always go smoothly? Of course not!

Sometimes the most skillful, careful, caring educators fail to help at-risk students. Then it becomes necessary to step back from our emotional investment and to let go of the feeling that we are totally responsible. We may console ourselves, however, that we have done what we could. At least, we have started the process.

When Parents Are Not Ready to Hear

Junior, a bright four year old, has problems. One is his reluctance to come to school. Usually, his parents bring him late. When Kate, his teacher, suggests that they try to be punctual, so Junior won't miss anything, his mother says, "We can't hurry him. Anyway, he's here in time for his favorite thing - playing outside."

But outside, Junior doesn't really play ...

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