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Time Outdoors - The Real Story

by Child Care Center Directors and Teachers
May/June 1993
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/time-outdoors-the-real-story/5009146/

Directors and teachers of several early childhood programs shared with Exchange their attitudes about outdoor play, their responses to some of the issues, and their most successful activity ideas.

Setting Goals for Time Outdoors

"Our goal is very simple. We provide children with opportunities for free expression, choice, and as much self-government as possible in a healthy environment." - Julie Goodan

"We strive to give every child the opportunity to use her or his body to explore space effectively and to enjoy active play." - Leanne Sanjume Errett

"Our goals are:
_ to provide practice for large muscle skills through climbing, jumping, pushing, running activities;
_ to provide practice for small muscle skills through sand and water play and painting and drawing;
_ to enhance self-esteem;
_ to increase social skills by participating in group games and activities;
_ to allow children to engage in more active dramatic play;
_ to allow children to experience freedom not always possible indoors;
_ to provide experiences for children to learn about the outdoor environment and to increase vocabulary;
_ to make sure that outdoor play is not just a time to release energy." - Tammy Strang and Alex Govis

"Our first goal is to make sure that going outside is just as important as each other part ...

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