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Three Episodes and a Lullaby

by Lella Gandini
January/February 2002
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/three-episodes-and-a-lullaby/5014366/

Rituals of calming and soothing children towards sleep are an important part of life in any child care program, just as bedtime routines and expectations are basic to family life. Patterns of going-to-sleep behaviors that children and adults create together over time, are an important part of the bond between the adult and the child. They contribute to the child's sense of security and well-being, they build community, and they reinforce a sense of place and belonging. Watch and you will see how parents and educators can work together to create meaningful rituals that link life at school and life at home in powerful ways.

An Infant Beginning His Stay in a Nido (a Nest) or Infant-Toddler Center

This mother has already heard about what a good place for her baby the infant/toddler center is going to be. After completing the registration requirement and waiting for her turn on the long waiting list, today she comes in with the baby to meet the caregivers and to see the space. She has many questions in mind, but basically she wants to find out who will be the person closest to her child and how the daily life of infants is organized here. She is ...

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