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The World of Child Advocacy - Follow-Up From the World Forum on Early Child Care and Education

by Kenneth Jaffe
September/October 2001
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/the-world-of-child-advocacy-follow-up-from-the-world-forum-on-early-child-care-and-education/5014135/

One of the many positive results of the third annual World Forum, held in Athens in April, was the remarkable sharing of advocacy successes around the world. During both formal and informal sessions, participants in the World Forum related stories of success and challenge regarding their efforts to improve conditions for children at the local, regional, or national level. Aside from the accounts of accomplishment, several participants requested more information on how they could establish clear, step-by-step approaches to dealing with advocacy issues.

The following report will highlight a few of the advocacy accomplishments that have brought improvement to children's programs in several parts of the world. It will further provide a review of advocacy steps which were presented at the World Forum and which have been utilized as a systematic approach to accomplishing advocacy objectives. In furtherance of the groundswell of enthusiasm that continued during the World Forum, we will provide a regular update on advocacy success stories and challenges on the Child Care Information Exchange web site and in future issues of Child Care Information Exchange.

Success Stories

The following are a few of the many successes described by World Forum participants. They are often works in progress, with many important ...

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