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The Values of Money

by Roslyn Duffy
July/August 2007
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/the-values-of-money/5017668/

�" Situation �"

At a recent fundraising event we were given sets of boxes to be used to help children learn about money. Each set consisted of three boxes, one labeled ‘“spend,” the next “save,” and the last “share.” Here is what happened when I gave mine to children I knew.

First Child: Georgia sat down beside me to see what it was I had for her. I took out the three flattened boxes and asked if she wanted to help assemble them, explaining that they would help her sort her money. She didn’t seem very interested but I persevered. I explained that the “share” box was for money to share with those in need. Now she frowned, then sighed and said, “My parents can do that. I’m just a kid.” I offered the boxes to her anyway. She shrugged and said, “sure,” but later, I found them forgotten on a chair.

Second Child: Timmy was interested at once. I explained how he could use the “saving” box to collect money for things he really wanted. Then I held out the “share” box and told about giving money to the poor. His mother, Jenna, asked Timmy what he would save for. Timmy’s blue eyes ...

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