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The Parental Balancing Act: What is FAIR?

by Roslyn Duffy
November/December 2003
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/the-parental-balancing-act-what-is-fair/5015427/

�" Situation �"

It seems that I am always worrying about being perceived as unfair by my two children.

When I buy a souvenir for one child, I fuss to make sure I have one of equal value for the other. At Christmas I have to keep lists to be sure I give an equal number of presents to each child. I need a balance scale to weigh out anything, from popcorn to peanuts, to be sure no one feels cheated.

Yet no matter how careful I am �" one or both complain that I’ve been unfair. What can I do?

�" Solution �"

The Eye of the Beholder

Fair seems to be in the eye of the beholder and when that eye is looking from one sibling toward the other, the green glow of envy is pretty obvious.

Fair is not equal. This proverbial adult cop-out meant to weasel out of having to justify behavior does nothing to allay that underlying suspicion that the adult loves the competing sibling or child more/better/at all!!!

If fair is not equal �" why or why not?


Let’s start with a look at equal. Equal means the same or at least of the same value. Very young children do not ...

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