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The Lasting Legacy of Jim Greenman

by Rachel Robertson and Heather Ferillo
March/April 2023
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/the-lasting-legacy-of-jim-greenman/5027034/

*Photos can be found in the pdf version of this article.

Trailblazer. Visionary. Advocate. Champion. Inspiration. One-of-a-kind. Brave pioneer. Personal hero. Thought leader. Legend. These are the kinds of words reserved to describe those rare people in our lives that are bold, purpose-driven innovators, dedicated to their passions and causes; people that do not let anything deter them from their mission to make a difference or make things better; people that inspire us to rise to the challenge, to believe in what is possible; people that make a lasting mark on everyone they interact with. Jim Greenman, the first senior vice president of education and development for Bright Horizons, was one of those people. 

Jim earned degrees from Livingston College and the University of California at Berkeley, after which he dedicated more than 30 years to early childhood. He was an administrator, researcher, college instructor, and consultant; he ended his career in his leadership role at Bright Horizons. One of Jim’s signature works focused on the concept of “prime times.” Prime times help us see routine and everyday moments as the relationship-building opportunities and teachable moments that they are. Prime times are those moments of one-to-one responsive, nurturing interaction between adult ...

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