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The Journey From Ho-Hum to Building a Dream

by Margie Carter and Deadru Hilliard
September/October 2002
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/the-journey-from-ho-hum-to-building-a-dream/5014776/

"It's far too late and things are far too bad for pessimism. And another thing I know: at such times, it is no failure to fall short of realizing all that we might dream - the failure is to fall short of dreaming all that we might realize."
Dee Hock, President Emeritus
Visa Corporation

When I come across a program that has visibly moved from mediocrity to a sense of pride and accomplishment, I'm eager to understand what has happened. So many of our early childhood programs, even those bearing the torch of NAEYC accreditation, are ho-hum, certainly not ones in which I'd enroll my own grandchildren. Why is it that some programs get in a rut while others get on the road to excellence? I'm delighted and extremely curious about a program which begins to transform itself,
especially when this isn't the result of a new director or staff.

I became the visiting staff trainer at Martin Luther King Jr. Day Home Center about ten years ago, and those first few years were very discouraging. I began to understand why other trainers had left in frustration. But then, in the last four or so years, something happened - the director and two of the ...

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