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The Good, the Bad, and the Wonderful! - Keeping Children and Teachers Together (Part 2)

by Kay Albrecht, Linda Dziadul, Carla Gwinn, and Brooke Harrington
January/February 2001
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/the-good-the-bad-and-the-wonderful!-keeping-children-and-teachers-together-part-2/5013790/

Much consideration has been given to teacher turnover and the negative impact turnover can have for children's development. Everyone is aware that too many changes in teachers can be a threat to children's emotional development, particularly if that change takes place in the early years. Less attention has been given to the impact on teachers of children changing schools and how the teachers face and facilitate such change. The following stories illustrate that changes in primary teaching groups impact children, their parents, and their teachers and suggest some ways to address these changes with teachers, parents, and young children.

Managing Changes in Primary Teachers
by Carla Gwinn

Teachers leave. It is a reality, part of our experience in the early childhood field. Primary teaching gives us the opportunity to make changes with children in ways that are beneficial to everyone. Here are some of the things we do to manage changes in primary teachers to limit the impact on the child, the family, the teacher, and the school.

Preventing change. The first thing we do is preventive in nature. We have an initial employment agreement with every teacher. These agreements indicate the commitments that the school is making to the teacher and the teacher is ...

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