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The Gift of Change

by M. Parker Anderson
November/December 2003
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/the-gift-of-change/5015445/

I’m getting it now, but it sure did feel as though it was a long time in coming. For me, any internal conversation about change, whether personal or professional, always starts with my eyes tightly closed, wrapped in a big, soft, cuddly towel, and a very hard swallow, that both tightens and releases every muscle in my face and, seemingly, entire body. It is in that very instant, that I both know and feel, a major life-altering change is about to occur or erupt in my life.

I remember that day when major change started for me. It was not yet of seismic proportions; however, I knew it was going to be a major change. I have such a vivid memory of this day because in many ways I was living my life on cruise control. Not bad, some might say, seeing as though everything was seemingly in order in my life. I had a good job, a wonderful place to work, and colleagues I enjoyed generally surrounded me. So, overall things were going well for me. Even though there was a multitude of change occurring in and around my workplace and in other parts of my personal life, I was ...

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