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The Fine Art of Delegating

by Roger Neugebauer
January/February 2006
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/the-fine-art-of-delegating/5016742/

I am quite an authority on delegating. Over the past three decades I have written countless articles in Exchange and given speeches all over the world on the fine art of delegating. However, when Exchange hired Shasta Weiss to help me lighten my workload, I discovered that I was a bit of a fraud. For years I have told others �" with great confidence �" how to delegate their work; but when, for the first time, I was faced with delegating my own work, I found my confidence evaporating.

I assumed delegating would be as simple as dividing all the work on my desk into two piles �" one for me and one for Shasta. But when it came down to actually assigning work to Shasta I reacted with a number of emotional reservations . . .

Will she do it right?

I wouldn’t go so far as to say I am set in my ways, but I did find myself wondering if Shasta would carry out tasks the right way, i.e., my way. In the early days I found myself drastically editing Shasta’s letters so they came out sounding like I wrote them. I became concerned when she reorganized ...

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