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The Art of Building (and Re-Building) Staff Unity

by Karen Stephens
March/April 1995
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/the-art-of-building-and-re-building-staff-unity/5010263/

Like an unrelenting poacher, it comes again - poised to pounce in the forefront as the latest crisis for you to solve. Without asking your consent or blessing, it usurps line one (and two, and three) of your already backed up to-do list - and right at your busiest time of year (which for a child care director means ANY time of year)! The predator - staff turnover. Its encroaching shadow announces the impending demise of the delicate balance of respect, cooperation, and loyalty that you have (at long last) seen gel among your staff. Now staff turnover demands that you start the gelling process all over again. Yes, it's time to adopt another member into your child care family.

Assuming you have performed a miracle and found a highly qualified individual who will accept very "unqualified" pay, your first staff turnover challenge awaits you - how to help the newcomer AND the existing staff through the adjustment process. But, buck up! You can do it! (After all, haven't you already had a lot of practice?)

In the following article, I'll share some tricks of the trade to add to your arsenal of ...

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