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Temperament: Who We Are

by Roslyn Duffy
January/February 2003
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/temperament-who-we-are/5014966/

- Situation -

Kevin, our first born, was a dream child. He woke up happy, ate everything, and started sleeping through the night by the time he was eight months old. His younger sister, Avery, is another story. I truly believe she is able to separate out the mashed banana from her bowl of cream of rice cereal. She is suspicious of any change. At age two she still doesn't sleep through the night and always seems to be grumpy.

What have we done wrong? What did we do right with Kevin? How can we get Avery to be more willing to try new things and establish a reasonable schedule? What can we do to cheer her up?

- Solution -

Born to be Me

Your children are different, and it's no one's fault. Kevin is Kevin and Avery is Avery. Another word for different is temperament.

Some of us are mild-mannered Clark Kents minding our own business on the streets of Metropolis while others leap over tall buildings with their Superman capes flapping in the breeze. Temperament could easily be responsible for Clark's calm or Superman's sizzle were they two separate people. If temperament lies behind a child's behavior, she is not being ...

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