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Technology Integration

by Amanda Armstrong, Chip Donohue, and Kate Highfield
September/October 2015
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/technology-integration/5022528/

You’ve decided you’re going to integrate digital tools in your early childhood program. The only challenge is you’re not sure how to approach making appropriate technology choices for children. From news headlines to blog posts, it can be confusing to figure out what’s really appropriate for young children and where you can find helpful information. Fortunately, a number of guidelines and publications have been created that can be translated into best practices to support children’s healthy development and learning.

Getting Started: Connecting the Dots

The best way to get started is by taking an inventory of what you already know and do; this can guide your selection and use of appropriate technology tools and digital media for young children. To connect the dots between your attitude, knowledge, experiences, and competencies, review the following essential resources already available in your digital teaching toolkit and identify those to explore further:

Child development principles, how ­children learn, and the influence of family and culture

Developmentally Appropriate Practice (Copple & Bredekamp, 2009)

NAEYC & Fred Rogers Center joint ­position statement: Technology and Interactive Media as Tools in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8 (2012)

Lisa Guernsey’s 3Cs: Content, Context and Child ...

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