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Taking Communication to a New Level - Putting Technology to Work

by Roger Neugebauer
January/February 2000
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/taking-communication-to-a-new-level-putting-technology-to-work/5013186/

Recently a director with 22 years of experience shared this true confession with me:

"I was a child care purist. Child care is a person-to-person business, and anything that gets in the way of direct human contact I viewed as a danger. I resisted fax machines, answering machines, cellular phones, and video cameras. And I was scared to death of the Internet. But I've moved out of the dark ages. I no longer see technology as a threat. I have come to recognize that you can use an answering machine without becoming a bureaucrat, you can use fax machines and not lose touch with people, and you can even use the Internet without becoming addicted to surfing. If used wisely, technology can take your center's communications to a new level of excellence."

There is no doubt that nothing can replace the value of face-to-face communication of difficult messages, big news, and strong feelings. However, given the reality of child care - the fact that directors may interact with any one teacher or any one parent only a few minutes a day - tools that enable them to extend that communication window should be welcomed. Technology, used wisely, offers us this opportunity.

Centers Embrace ...

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