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Taking Care of Caregivers - Wellness for Every Body

by Susan S. Aronson, MD
July/August 2001
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/taking-care-of-caregivers-wellness-for-every-body/5014040/

Wellness is a state of mind and body: how you feel about sensations of normal body functions and how you choose to address the wear and tear of life. Wellness is the result of preventive health care and wise personal behaviors supported by science and common sense. For most people, promoting wellness involves making better choices among limited options. Few early childhood professionals have much time or resources to lavish on fitness.

Child care directors need to think about wellness because improving the health of adults who work in child care pays double dividends. It not only helps the individual, but also everyone who depends on them.

By using familiar planning skills, you can easily promote staff wellness. The approach is not unlike skillful planning for developmentally appropriate experiences of children in group care settings. Plan for activities that will meet predictable physical and mental health needs. Making time in staff meetings to engage caregivers in thinking about these issues will emphasize the value that the program places on caring for caregivers.


Planning for a wellness-promoting day begins the previous evening. Making the transition from a busy day to restful sleep is easier if you can dissipate the worries and stresses ...

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