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Taking a Customer Service Approach - Working with Angry Parents

by Patricia A. Phipps
May/June 1998
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/taking-a-customer-service-approach-working-with-angry-parents/5012110/

Parent: The nerve of you! Charging me $15 for being 30 minutes late to pick up Alex. You know I am always here by 6:30. Something came up at the last minute that could not be avoided, and traffic was heavier than usual.

Director: But you don't understand, Ms. Jenkins. I have to enforce our policies. The staff person who waited here with Alex has to be paid overtime.

Parent: Well, take it out of all the times I paid and Alex was not here. We pay a fortune to have this child in this program. I think you are being very inflexible. What about all the times I picked up Alex early in the day or brought muffins, cakes, and cookies in for the staff? I didn't ask you to pay for the time and money involved in these situations.

Director: That's unfair of you, Ms. Jenkins. This is a totally different issue; and if I break the rules for you, then I have to break them for everyone.

Parent: Well break this - as of tomorrow, I am taking Alex out of this program and you'll be losing more than the $15 I am still not going to pay!

Sound familiar? Unfortunately, there are probably more times than we ...

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