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Structure in Our Lives: What? Why? How?

by Roslyn Duffy
January/February 2004
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/structure-in-our-lives-what-why-how/5015562/

�" Situation �"

Backfiring Bedtime

I wanted my daughter to respond to her own body’s rhythms by allowing her to fall asleep when she was ready to do so. This plan is backfiring. Often it is midnight before she goes to sleep �" most often on the sofa or in front of the television. I am more than ready to fall into bed by 10 pm. She is getting heavy to carry. I have no time to myself. How can I turn this around without a battle?

A Cave-Dwelling Future

We took our four year old to the museum. He ran up and down the aisles, grabbed at the sculptures and tugged on the displayed wall hangings. As soon as we got home, I sent him to his room for a time out. I am still upset. We can’t take him anywhere. I feel like we might as well become cave-dwellers!

Dirty Dish Disaster

My husband and I agreed that our sons (5 and 6 years) are old enough to help clear the table after dinner. The problem is that if they don’t do so �"my husband ignores it and then tells me I am making it into too big an issue if I persist in trying ...

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