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Strengthening Your Professional Commitment

by Candace Jaruszewicz
May/June 1999
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/strengthening-your-professional-commitment/5012706/

I can only speak about commitment from one perspective, which is my own. I say this because I believe very strongly that commitment is a very personal agreement - and means only what you have determined it means for you, and you alone. I can't make a commitment for anyone but myself. Presuming to speak for anyone but myself would be an act, I believe, of extreme disrespect to all of you. So, I can only share with you my view of what commitment is, or should be, in terms of what we, collectively, have chosen to do as professionals, which is work with, and for, children.

I received what I considered to be a very strange note at the beginning of this school year. The background of the story goes like this: One of the administrators at my university is a man with whom I do battle on a regular basis - and this will sound familiar to you, I'm sure. I insist we are working ourselves to death for the school, our students, and the community. He says we don't do enough. I complain we are undervalued and poorly compensated considering the importance of the work we do to prepare ...

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