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Strengthening the Public Input Process for the Child Care and Development Fund

by Lynette M. Fraga and Diane Girouard
January/February 2022
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/strengthening-the-public-input-process-for-the-child-care-and-development-fund/5026314/

The Child Care and Development Fund program is a state and federal partnership that provides assistance to low-income families to access child care, as well as build supply and improve program quality in communities. Since 2016, states, territories, and tribes have been required to outline how they will use this dedicated federal funding over a three-year period. Plans cover a multitude of areas, including how states will promote family engagement and consumer outreach, ensure equal program access, establish health and safety standards, recruit and retain a qualified workforce, and support continuous quality improvement.

When developing new plans, lead state agencies are required to hold at least one public hearing, with sufficient statewide or territory-wide distribution of notice, in order to gather stakeholder input on what policies to include. Public input is a critical part of developing a state plan to ensure decision-makers have complete information, and to build buy-in and legitimacy from the field.

States generally approach the CCDF state plan public comment period by allowing anyone to weigh in by submitting written comments or by testifying orally. The requirement to hold a hearing presents a distinct opportunity to shape a state’s plan for child care based on the actual needs and experiences ...

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