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Strategies for Enhancing Children's Use of the Environment

by Deb Curtis
November/December 2001
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/strategies-for-enhancing-childrens-use-of-the-environment/5014242/

Over this past year many teachers have toured the wonderful room my co-teachers Rhonda Iten, Cindy Hayertz, and I have designed for the 16, three- to five-year-old children we spend our days with. These visitors always mention how welcome and calm they feel in the homelike environment we have created. They notice the magic of the light, texture, color, and beauty they are surrounded by. They are drawn to the interesting, open-ended materials and objects from nature.

These teachers also have many questions as they look around our room. "How do you keep it so clean and organized?" "Do you let the children move things around?" "Don't the children break and lose things?" "What do you do about clean-up with so much available for the children's play?"

My initial answers to their questions have centered on the resources I have studied about early childhood environments. I have benefited so much from learning the approaches of the Creative Curriculum, High/Scope, Montessori, and the beautiful environments of the schools of Reggio Emilia. Environmental experts Jim Greenman and Elizabeth Prescott have offered me much wisdom and practical advice. But as I reflect more on these practicing teachers' questions, I have come to realize ...

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