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Straight from the Field - Reflections on the Director's Job

by Jo-Ann Spence
September/October 2004
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/straight-from-the-field-reflections-on-the-directors-job/5015960/

The first three years that I was a director passed in a blur. Everything was new and interesting. Driving over to the school in the middle of the night to answer the alarm, my husband and I felt like Dick Tracy speeding to the scene of the crime. (Never mind that it was usually a squirrel that set off the electric eye and the conference with police was a series of squirrel jokes.) The director’s job was a series of new experiences. I felt sure that once I got a grip on the job, all would settle down and run like clockwork. Seventeen years later, I have come to a better understanding. This is a job where anything can happen and does with startlingly frequency. Along my way, I have found some real truths about this job that I hope you will find helpful as well.

Accept and expect the unexpected

The first and perhaps most important thing to remember is that THINGS WILL HAPPEN! The mix of parents, teachers, children, regulations, building problems, and so on is so complex and filled with so many elements out of your control that things happening �" good and/or bad �" is a given. ...

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