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Status Report #8 - Employer Support for Child Care on the Rise

by Roger Neugebauer
May/June 1998
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/status-report-8-employer-support-for-child-care-on-the-rise/5012116/

Throughout the '90s, employer-supported child care has been the hottest growth niche in the child care arena. This past year was no exception as the 15 most active managers of employer centers increased their employer-focused base by over 10%.

To underline the magnitude of this growth, consider that since 1990 these top 15 players have increased the amount of child care they provide for employers by over 750%. In that same time period, the child care center market as a whole probably expanded by about 50%. Of course, much of the growth of the Top 15 includes contracts to take over centers that employers were previously managing on their own as well as acquisitions of other child care providers. However, even if you factor out transitions and acquisitions, it is still safe to conclude that the employer segment of the market is growing two to three times faster than overall child care supply.

The Big Three

The three organizations that manage the most centers for employers are responsible for a lion's share of the growth in this arena. Since 1990, the top three have expanded their employer capacity by over 1000% while the next 12 largest players have increased their capacity by just ...

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