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Status Report #1 - Center Size: Big Can Be Beautiful?

July/August 1990
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/status-report-1-center-size-big-can-be-beautiful/5007418/

In 1976, Abt Associates, in their National Day Care Study, reported that the average center size was 49 children. At that time centers serv-ing more than 125 children were rare.

Today, although no reliable data are available, most industry watchers would agree that center size has increased significantly. Centers serving more than 125 children are now commonplace. In fact, our nationwide survey has found at least 50 centers in the nation serving more than 225 children (see The Exchange Top 50).

While there is no hard data on the impact of center size, everyone does have an opinion on the matter. In a recent survey, 53% of Exchange Panel of 100 Members indicated that center size does have a significant impact on the quality of care children receive.

Of Panel Members who said center size does have an impact, 65% opined that the maximum center size should be less than 120 to provide quality care. In addition, 70% of Panel Members found that the management of staff becomes significantly more complex when a center surpasses the size of 120.

Here is what Panel Members and other early childhood professionals had to say:

Roberta Noonan, ...

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