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Status of Children - What Parents Want

September/October 1993
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/status-of-children-what-parents-want/5009363/

Parents' Definitions of Quality

Three recent studies queried parents as to what they consider important determinants of quality in child care centers. The results of a 1992 survey of 807 parents (75% of which had children enrolled in child care centers) in four Florida counties (Families and Work Institute):

Characteristics of Quality Important"

Attention to children's safety 76%
Provider's communication with parents about their children 67
Cleanliness 67
Attention children receive 65
Provider's openness to parents dropping in 64
Provider's warmth toward children 63
Provider's style of discipline 60
Staff/child ratio 57
Provider's experience in taking care of children 56
Learning opportunities for children 52
Number of children in group 52
Provider's training in taking care of children 50
Way provider teaches children to get along 49
Attention to nutrition 48
Provider who is licensed or registered 47
Care that is reliable 46
Provider who shares parents' values 41
Program who shares parents' values 41
More like a home than a school 34
Equipment 33
Teaching of cultural or religious values 20

The findings of a 1990 nationwide survey of parents using centers (NAEYC):

Provider/Staff Characteristics
Warm, loving care 28%
Reliability 6
Training 11
Known to family 11
Experienced 1
Subtotal 57%

Characteristics of Child's Group
Child/staff ratio 10%
Group size 3
Age range of children 1
Subtotal 14%

Program/Setting Characteristics
Available equipment/materials 3%
Homelike atmosphere 2
Safety 6
Subtotal 11%

Goals of Program/Setting
Prepares child for school 8%
Promotes child development 6
Promotes religious instruction 4
Provides cultural appreciation 0
Subtotal 18%

The findings of a survey of 271 parents of children who were attending child ...

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