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Staffing for Summer Programs

by Richard T. Scofield
March/April 1998
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/staffing-for-summer-programs/5012052/

Planning the staffing of a summer program for school-agers who may vary in ages from 6 to 14 years old has wrinkles that don't appear during the school year. Just as there will be a change in the children attending the summer program from those in the after-school program - some not attending the summer program at all, some out for a couple weeks, others attending all summer, and new children attending only for the summer - so will your staff follow a similar pattern.

The Parameters

Staffing needs will be dictated by the parameters of your summer program which may be different than during the school year. Size and sites available are two critical parameters. A program with five sites may trim down to just two. It may not have to hire any new staff. One program which had 120 children during the school year scaled down to 60 in the summer based on the number of children that would fit on a school bus. Another program has a school-year program with 84 children and a 1:12 adult-child ratio. But the summer program has only 30 children K-4th grade enrolled full time with part time/drop-ins bringing the per day total to 35-40. ...

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