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Staff: The Pathway to Early Childhood Program Success

by Ebenezer Lartey and Ken Jaffe
January/February 2023
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/staff-the-pathway-to-early-childhood-program-success/5026950/

Working to establish or improve early childhood programs around the world has led us to a deep understanding of why and how ECD programs become the best in their town, region, or state. We have witnessed the development of outstanding programs that have gained a deep understanding of what must be done to maintain the level of connection in all aspects of program, finances, and operation that allow them to produce the desired financial return and provide top services to children and families for many years. Having the right staff or human capital at any program is critical to its success or failure. The following seeks to highlight the pivotal role staff play in any organisation.

Program Leadership: Hiring the right director and other program leaders will be one of the keys to the success of your program for many years to come. This also applies to those of you who may be the director of your own program. We have often seen directors characterized as having either “earth mother”/“earth father” traits or as “bean counters,” with great expertise in fiscal matters. It is rare to find a director who has both qualities. The right leader will be able to develop the ...

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