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Staff Development Resources Right Under Your Nose

by Margie Carter
May/June 2007
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/staff-development-resources-right-under-your-nose/5017528/

I find myself smiling when a director or teacher educator requests permission to use a photo story of mine for a staff meeting or workshop. But, of course, that’s why I put them out in the world. Children and teachers have been incredibly generous with me as I gather such stories, and I am eager to see these stories spark deeper thinking in others. My smile comes from knowing that there are hundreds of these stories right under the nose of every director. Well, right under the nose of every director who ventures out into the daily life of your program. Surprisingly, though, directors tend to look in their file drawers, on their bookshelves, or the web for staff development resources. You might want to try a different approach, with a note pad and camera in hand.

Gathering stories of children has several benefits. The process gives you a closer look at what the children in your program are actually doing. You get a taste of what you are asking teachers to do. (An itty bitty taste because you aren’t trying to simultaneously manage all the responsibilities of classroom work.) Your notes and photos can be used to provoke dialog, new ...

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