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Sowing Seeds of Empathy

by Mary Gordon
November/December 2011
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/sowing-seeds-of-empathy/5020253/

Fifteen small children are gathered in a circle around a lavender blanket. They are wriggling with excitement, but also unusually focused. The children’s eyes are glued on the open door of their child care centre.

“I see him!” a few of them call out, as six-month-old Jack is carried into the room by Elanna, his mother, for his fourth family visit. Baby Jack is wearing jeans and a Seeds of Empathy T-shirt that says “Teacher.” Grace, the Family Guide leading the lesson, begins singing the Welcome Song, and the children join in as Elanna walks around the inside of the circle holding Jack at the children’s eye level. Each child stands and greets the baby by touching his foot “hello.” They all sit down together around the lavender blanket, including Grace, Elanna, and Baby Jack. Elanna settles her son in front of her, and the children gasp in amazement.

“Look everybody, Jack is sitting up today. Could he do that before?” asks Grace.

“No!” the children answer in unison. They are all leaning forward, studying the baby intently.
“What else is different about him today?”

“A new tooth!” says one boy.

“He can bounce!” says a girl beside him.

Sure enough, ...

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