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Social and Emotional Development Through Dialogic Reading

by Satomi Izumi-Taylor
September/October 2023
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/social-and-emotional-development-through-dialogic-reading/5027378/

Have any of your students’ family members asked you about the best way for them to promote children’s social/emotional development? Have they asked you about strategies for reading to their children at bedtime? I recommend using dialogic reading (Folsom, 2017) to promote children’s social/emotional and language development. Many families are aware of the importance of reading to children to support language development, so you may suggest that families nurture children’s social/emotional and language development through dialogic reading.

Dialogic Reading

Dialogic reading refers to having conversations with children about books that you are reading. Your conversation may include defining new vocabularies, introducing story components, improving fluency, developing narrative skills, expanding children’s comments, promoting comprehension, asking open-ended questions, and responding to children’s questions. It is beneficial when teachers read books to a small group but you can also read to a classroom. Teachers can repeat reading the same book to children so children will become familiar with it.

There are three levels of questioning in dialogic reading: basic “wh” questions (what, who, where, when, and why), open-ended questioning, and advanced questioning. Regarding the basic “wh” questioning, you can ask questions focused on “what” children can see in the text. You can ask, “What type of shoes ...

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