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Slowing Down for Sustainability

by Nakeeya B. Parsons
July/August 2016
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/slowing-down-for-sustainability/5023084/

The remarkable thing is, we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we embrace for that day.
Charles R. Swindoll


The origin of sustainability is derived from the two words sustain and ability, which can also be related as having the ability to sustain or hold strong: capable of being continued at a certain level. Is the ability to sustain ourselves in certain situations a gift to a child care professional? In the early childhood profession, you could say the educator needs to have the ability to withstand or endure constant, even daily, change that may be unexpected. As a child care professional you must have natural patience. Or do you? Does this come naturally to everyone or is the ability to cope with life challenges something that comes with time?



Sustainability is a life requirement that often goes unspoken, yet is expected to exist. So what happens when something of importance is mandatory, and expected, but never actually taught to you or discussed? Do you just ‘get it’? Do you master the skill without ever thinking about it? Or do you just learn to maintain instead of ...

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