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Six Keys to Getting More Inquiries and Enrollments in the Era of COVID-19

by Kris Murray and Sindye Alexander
November/December 2020
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/six-keys-to-getting-more-inquiries-and-enrollments-in-the-era-of-covid-19/5025650/

You may think you are in the business of child care or early learning. And while that is technically true, there is a much more important element that drives the success of your business, more than anything else. It is the element of trust.

In the age of COVID-19, parents are more nervous than ever about their child’s safety and well-being, so it is more important than ever to show parents they can trust you.

In order for them to enroll their child with you, parents must see, feel, and hear great things about you. You must clearly demonstrate, in every encounter that parents have with your business, that you and your employees are 100 percent committed to providing the best, safest, highest quality care and education possible. They must see it on your website. They must read it in your reviews. They must feel it when they walk into your school. They must know it when they meet their child’s teacher. They must hear great things about you in the community and in local social media chatter.

Accomplishing this is no easy feat. It takes planning, effort and consistency to become the most trusted child care brand in your community. Here are ...

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