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Seeking More Possibilities

by Margie Carter
January/February 2007
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/seeking-more-possibilities/5017320/

Over the past summer I had the good fortune to interview a number of program directors and teacher educators around the United States and Canada, seeking stories about how they are exploring more possibilities for their early childhood settings. These colleagues work in a variety of organizations, and I was curious about any common threads in their efforts to expand our sense of what is possible in the child care field. As I continue to sift through these stories, some big conceptual ideas stand out, as well as some specific efforts to address nagging administrative details that are common. What follows is an overview of the significant themes, each with a story synopsis to paint a picture of what is possible when you set your mind to transforming barriers into mere speed bumps.

Developing your vision

From interviewing directors, it is clear to me that a primary difference between a manager and a leader is that a leader works with a vision and uses this as a lens for everything from hiring staff and new family orientation to strategic planning. The word “vision” has almost become cliché, but I could immediately sense strong leadership when a colleague spoke with clarity on values and ...

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