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Searching for Innovators

by Margie Carter
November/December 2011
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/searching-for-innovators/5020218/

I’m continually searching for innovative people in our field who are ‘in the thick of it’ trying to expand current notions of quality beyond a focus on regulations and rating scales. I look in the trenches for those working directly with children or managing an early childhood program; I seek out folks in big systems who aren’t trapped in bureaucratic thinking; and I talk to teacher educators working in a variety of settings such as community colleges, training organizations, or independent consulting services. It fills me with hope, discovering folks who are piloting new possibilities and challenging us to move beyond the limits of our current thinking. I’d like to spotlight some of these voices for Exchange readers by sharing some of the dialogs we’ve been having.

Louise Stoney, Alliance for Early Childhood Finance

As the co-founder of the Alliance for Early Childhood Finance, Louise Stoney is immersed in finding creative new finance and business strategies for our field. Her Exchange article “Shared Services: A powerful strategy to support sustainability of ECE Businesses” (Stoney, 2009) is an important read and offers a window into not only the value of shared services, but also a look at how an innovative mind works. My ...

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