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Reveling in Nature: A Child-Focused Space at a National Wildlife Refuge

by Glynnis Nakai
March/April 2021
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/reveling-in-nature-a-child-focused-space-at-a-national-wildlife-refuge/5025845/

*Photos can be found in the pdf version of this article.

Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge in Olympia, Washington, is a destination for exploring the outdoors, where accessible trails wind their way through forests and wetlands, and views of all things wild (bugs, butterflies, birds and mammals) can awe and inspire if one just looks closely. Our job is to help visitors know what to look for and develop an appreciation for the natural environment. 

Introductions to nature come in many forms. The trails at Nisqually allow visitors to experience nature together and share what they see. But crucially, there is also a place where children can explore nature in different ways that help them develop physical and mental creativity. The Nature Explore Classroom is a 10,000-square-foot space adjacent to the refuge’s Environmental Education Center, and includes a nature trail that connects all of the activity stations. Low-growing native plants separate the stations while still allowing a full view of the area. The single point of entry is entirely enclosed with plantings and a willow fence. Benches throughout provide a comfortable place for adults to sit while watching out for the safety of their children. The outdoor classroom includes stations ...

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