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Resolving Staff Conflict - The Means Justifies the Ends!

by Glenn W. Olsen and Steven W. Shirley
September/October 2001
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/resolving-staff-conflict-the-means-justifies-the-ends!/5014122/

While there has been a significant amount of writing about helping children resolve conflict and problem solve, little has been written about early childhood educators resolving conflict with others. We think staff conflict is an important issue that needs to be discussed in a positive manner so that people can disagree, sometimes vehemently, about issues, but still remain colleagues productively working together teaching and helping children.

Staff conflicts are an inevitable part of any work environment, but the key is how we handle the conflicts. Conflict should not always be viewed in a negative light, but rather as an opportunity for growth and positive change in a child care center. Staff conflicts are particularly hard on directors if a key employee is involved.

For example, Lisa is a 25-year-old employee of a child care center. She has been working at the center for eight months, and this is her first job in education after completing a bachelor's and master's degree in early childhood education. Lisa is excellent with the children and has a good rapport with the parents. However, she has a very poor working relationship with the other employees at the center. She often shows up late for work and tends to ...

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