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Relaxation - Every Child's Right to Simply Be

by Patrice Thomas and Wendy Shepherd
January/February 2000
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/relaxation-every-childs-right-to-simply-be/5013142/

We live in a world that is undergoing rapid and dramatic change, and our children are being placed under more and more stress - at home, in care settings, and at school. Children's time is now more and more directed by adults, and there is little time for children to contemplate, reflect, or simply be. Without this balance of child-centred and teacher-directed play, children's health, well-being, and development are affected by the negative and damaging effects of stress. Some of these include long hours in a range of care settings and spending time with a number of caregivers, overstimulation and noise, the general fast pace of life, extracurricular activities, and family situations such as the separation or divorce of parents or adjusting to blended families.

There is now limited time for play and motor development as a result of the frantic pace of life and the need for children to be secure and supervised at all times. Hence, sedentary play is promoted at home and at school. Media games, advertising, videos, and exposure to news programmes contribute to stress, and in some cases unresolved terror, for children (Levin, 1994, 1998).

Much research to date has focused on stress and stress management strategies ...

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